
What is XBorg?

XBorg is the Player Identity Protocol, designed to be a secure and scalable infrastructure to help players aggregate and leverage their gaming data to experience the future of gaming. (Think Lens protocol but for gaming). With the XBorg infrastructure, game and app developers can integrate player data at the core of the user experience. The protocol is used by leading esports teams such as Team Liquid (the World’s largest esports team), Ninjas In Pyjamas, Team BDS and OG Esports.

Pitch XBorg to a 5-year-old

Hey there, kiddo! Have you ever played any games on your tablet or phone? Well, there's a really cool new thing called XBorg that's going to make your gaming experience even more fun!

XBorg is like a special tool that helps you create your own digital character that you can use to play games with. It's like making your own superhero!

And the best part is that your superhero gives you superpowers in other cool gaming applications too. It's like giving superpowers to every gamer on the planet.

XBorg is being supported by some really important and smart people who think it's going to change the way we play games in the future. So get ready, because XBorg is going to be a really big deal!

What is the XBorg ID?

The XBorg ID stems from the XBorg protocol and represents the unique player identity, containing metadata relevant to the player's reputation, and in-game, and social gaming data.

What are the use cases of the XBorg protocol?

The XBorg protocol and XBorg ID enable a wide variety of use cases for the gaming world. Custom in-game experiences

Games can seamlessly integrate the XBorg ID, enabling users to access personalized rewards and experiences based on their current or past in-game achievements. Additionally, the XBorg ID can enhance the efficiency of matchmaking and NPCs based on player’s historical data.

Gaming Messaging Protocol

Brands, games, and organizations can broadcast news and ads across XBorg-powered applications that opt-in. Players set their attention rate in XBG, which broadcasters pay directly to them. Application owners take a commission, creating better distribution channels where end-users are at the center of the value chain.

Fair Token Airdrops

Web3 projects can integrate the XBorg ID to ensure fair token airdrops as part of their growth strategy. By using the XBorg ID, they can target specific player types instead of speculators and avoid bots (Sybil resistance).

Gaming Launchpad

Launchpads can integrate with the XBorg ID to grant benefits to specific player types for investment opportunities. For instance, an FPS game may give preferential terms to FPS players with specific credentials. This feature unlocks unique opportunities for players whilst aiding developers with growing and curating their player base.

Gaming NFT Lending

The current NFT lending primitives are inefficient as lenders don’t know who they are lending to and most players can’t afford collateral. NFT lending protocols can integrate with the XBorg ID, allowing lenders to choose their borrowers more effectively. It also allows borrowers to use their reputation as collateral.

Tokenised Esports

Our protocol enables the tokenisation of esports teams and gaming communities, empowering fans to own a stake in the organisation and to govern by voting on key decisions. Additionally, esports talents can be recruited based on their player identity.

Who is using your protocol today?

The XBorg protocol is used by the world's best esports teams. Namely,

More than 10 leading esports teams are being onboarded on the XBorg protocol.

Who is developing the protocol?

XBorg is backed by SwissBorg (, a crypto app with 1m users and $1B in AUM with a strong European reach. The protocol is built by ex-web2/3 entrepreneurs in tech, from backgrounds such as Meta, Amazon, Google, Maker DAO etc.

What is the XBG token? What are the utilities?

The XBG token is the native utility and governance token of the XBorg ecosystem.

The utilities are:

  • Payment flow

The XBorg-powered apps use XBG as payment options for businesses or users.

  • Gas token

The XBG token will be used as a gas token on the XBorg Blockchain.

  • Incentives & Revenue Share

50% of XBorg revenue will be sent to a reward pool providing yield to XBG stakers, weighted by ecosystem contribution.

  • Governance

As the protocol progressively becomes decentralised, XBG will grant governance rights to its holders.

  • Gated access

Holding the XBG token will provide ecosystem perks across applications such as our Launchpad and opportunities like investing in tokenised esports teams.

The tokenomics can be found here XBG

Last updated